The Path To Motherhood Podcast

I get it because because our minds spin out like that and thinks of all of the worst case scenarios. I totally do get it. But in those moments is where curiosity is your friend.

The Power of Curiosity

SHOW NOTES: Episode 38

We often think of our journey as black and white but this kind of thinking can really limit us. Curiosity can be such a great gift in your infertility journey and it can make all the difference. Today, I am talking about the power of curiosity and how that can be really helpful along your journey to conceiving.

On today’s episode, I dive into the power of curiosity and how you can use this technique in many different areas. Curiosity gets us out of our all or nothing thinking and get us into creation mode allowing for hope and joy and positive emotion. 

Here are some examples of where you can use curiosity in your journey:

1. When people offer unsolicited or inappropriate advice.

In general, people are good human beings but sometimes they offer unsolicited or inappropriate advice during our conceiving journey. I want you to approach these comments from a place of curiosity by really thinking about what truths you can take away from what they are saying. A lot of times an interaction can feel really uncomfortable and can feel really painful but just a little bit of curiosity can dampen that a bit. 

2. Scheduled sex.

You can be curious in times where you have scheduled sex but you don’t have the energy or you just don’t feel like doing it. Maybe instead of scheduled sex feeling like a chore, it can actually be pleasurable and fun.

3. Diet and lifestyle.

Curiosity can also be very helpful when you are in a place where you want to change your diet and lifestyle. You can get curious in a way where diet and lifestyle changes can be sustainable and you can be confident that you can stick to it. 

In those moments where you are spiraling into negativity, the biggest gift you can give yourself is making curiosity your friend. You may be feeling scared to have to experience more disappointment, more grief, and more frustration, but maybe this is your time to have a healthy pregnancy that leads to a baby. Maybe this is the journey that was meant for you. Curiosity is not going to erase all your fears or doubts but it opens up room for hope, belief, and possibility of the future. It opens up communication, windows of connection, and positivity on the journey you are walking through. I encourage you to look at your life and think of ways that you can start to bring more curiosity to things.

I would love to hear about how you tried using more curiosity and how it helped shift your mindset and perspective. Send me a message and let me know how this episode helped you! Share this podcast with a friend, leave a review, or share on your social media and tag me @SarahBrandell.


  • The power of curiosity on your infertility journey


  • Check out episode 6 where I talk about outside voices and dealing with unsolicited advice
  • Listen to episode 34 where I talk with Danielle Savory about intimacy and pleasure for women
  • Check out episode 8 where I talk about the belief triad
  • Listen to episode 37 where I talk with Christina D’Amico about wanting to change our health in hopes of improving our infertility
  • Get your 2 week wait workbook here:
  • Interested in getting some coaching while you are on this path? Sign up for a consult call here: 


Welcome to The Path to Motherhood Podcast. I’m your host Sarah Brandell and I’m a fertility life coach, wife, and a mother on a mission to help you manage your mind and emotions around fertility and trying to conceive. I know where you are because I’ve been there. I have been through the long journey to motherhood, the waiting, the appointments, the testing, the unanswered questions, the medications, the shots and I am ready to help.

This podcast is for you if you are ready to learn how to navigate your path to motherhood authentically while honoring the emotions but also cultivating some hope. Join us each Monday as we walk through how to use the power of coaching to not only feel better along the way but also feel like you have an identity out of just trying to conceive.

Connect with me on @SarahBrandell on Instagram! 

Download your free 2 week wait workbook here:

Ready for one on one coaching? Schedule a free consult call here: 

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