The Path To Motherhood Podcast

 New Year, New Goals: Sarah Brandell's 6 Resolutions for Your Fertility Journey

New Year, New Goals: Sarah Brandell's 6 Resolutions for Your Fertility Journey

SHOW NOTES: Episode 66

This week Sarah Brandell, infertility and pregnancy loss mindset coach shares her 6 Goals for each of you in 2024. These goals will help you to transform your trying to conceive experience. 

Reconnect to Trust in Yourself:

My primary goal is for you to rediscover the innate wisdom within yourself. In a world full of advice and opinions, it's crucial to trust your instincts, making decisions aligned with your needs and aspirations.

Reconnect to Your Body:

A significant focus is on fostering a positive relationship with your body. In the midst of fertility challenges, it's easy to feel disconnected or frustrated. Together, we'll work towards rediscovering love, support, and compassion for your body.

Work on Connection with Your Partner:

Infertility can impact relationships. I aim to guide you in protecting and strengthening your connection with your partner, ensuring that this challenging journey brings you closer rather than driving you apart.

Build Belief in Possibility:

Central to the journey is cultivating belief in the possibility of success. It's about envisioning positive outcomes, even in the face of challenges. I delve into the importance of holding onto this belief throughout your journey.

Build Belief in Your Ability to Have Your Own Back:

Life is unpredictable, and setbacks are part of the journey. I want you to trust in your ability to navigate the rough patches, supporting yourself through disappointments and challenges.

Reconnect to Who You Are:

Finally, I encourage you to reconnect with the person you are outside the realm of trying to conceive. Infertility is just one aspect of your life. Reclaim your passions, hobbies, and identity beyond the challenges of this journey.

To fully benefit from these goals, consider subscribing to the podcast, plugging into newsletters, and exploring coaching opportunities. I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Be sure to share connect with Sarah: Message Sarah on Instagram: @SarahBrandell



  • My Goals for you in 2024


  • Last Years New Year's Episode: HERE
  • Two Week Wait Workbook: HERE
  • Interested in getting some coaching while you are on this path? Sign up for a consult call here: 


Welcome to The Path to Motherhood Podcast. I’m your host Sarah Brandell and I’m a fertility life coach, wife, and a mother on a mission to help you manage your mind and emotions around fertility and trying to conceive. I know where you are because I’ve been there. I have been through the long journey to motherhood, the waiting, the appointments, the testing, the unanswered questions, the medications, the shots and I am ready to help.

This podcast is for you if you are ready to learn how to navigate your path to motherhood authentically while honoring the emotions but also cultivating some hope. Join us each Monday as we walk through how to use the power of coaching to not only feel better along the way but also feel like you have an identity out of just trying to conceive.

Connect with me on @SarahBrandell on Instagram! 

Download your free 2 week wait workbook here:

Ready for one on one coaching? Schedule a free consult call here: 


Episode 66: Transcript


You are listening to episode 66 of the Path to Motherhood podcast.

Welcome to the Path to Motherhood podcast.

I'm your host and fertility life coach, Sarah Brandell.

Join us each week as we walk through navigating your trying to conceive journey.

My mission is to share the skills of managing your mind, processing emotions,

and living a full life to create a more authentic path to motherhood.

Hello hello and welcome to 2024. I'm your host Sarah here with another episode of the

path to motherhood podcast. I am super excited to have you here with me. It is a chilly Friday

night in my house. It's real quiet. I've got my hot tea and I'm ready to chat with

you guys. So I'm honestly super excited to kick off this year just because I have

so much in the work, so much planned out for you guys and I'm just super excited

to kind of see it all come to fruition and really like just I have a really

clear plan and vision of how I want to focus this year, what I want to do to

to support all of you.

And I'll be honest, in the past,

especially when it came to like podcast episodes,

I had like a running list of like,

oh, this topic hit me, this topic hit me.

I wanna think about this

and just would kinda like bounce around concepts,

which worked, right?

It totally worked.

You guys were listening, there's nothing wrong with that.

But I took time this year to sit down

in the month of December

and really just think about like,

what do I want 24 to be about?

How do I wanna show up?

How do I wanna support you guys?

How do I wanna make this like super effective for you guys?

And so that's what we're attempting this year,

is that I kinda have this plan or like a roadmap,

so to say, of what I kind of want the theme to be

for each month to help guide me along the way.

And so each month, the podcast episodes,

the emails you receive, the posts that you see me put up,

they're gonna have to do with that general theme.

Obviously they're gonna be like pretty broad themes

to be able to talk about it for a whole month.

And I thought the perfect way to kick off January

is to talk about new beginnings.

I think that this is such a perfect way

to kick off the year because of course,

everyone's thinking about goals and resolutions

and focuses and what they wanna think about for this year.

And honestly, last year I kicked it off thinking about like

how you guys could set your goals

and this year I'm gonna do it a little bit different.

So for this year, actually what I'm planning to do

is I'm going to share with you what my goals are

and not what my goals are for me,

but what my goals are for you on your infertility journey.

So if you stick around here, if you listen to these episodes,

if you show up and take a listen to them,

If you follow the newsletters, like I said, if you join my coaching community and really get

involved in this work, this is the stuff that I'm hoping for you to be able to find and take away

on your trying to conceive journey in 2024. And so that's what I'm going to share with you is my

six goals for you for 2024. I encourage you, if you're not already, subscribe to the podcast.

If you want to get plugged into the newsletters,

you can always message me on Instagram

and I will make sure I get you plugged in.

And if you wanna learn more about coaching with me,

again, message me and I can chat with you about it.

I would love to share the details.

But like I said, today what we're gonna talk about is

if you stick with me on this journey,

these are what you can expect to happen

over the next 12 months, these six things.

And I think to imagine a life,

a trying to conceive journey with these six things in place

is such a beautiful goal for all of us to have.

And so that's what we're gonna start with.

So when it comes to my goals,

the first one by far and away,

my main goal for you in this process

is for you to reconnect to trust in yourself.

Trust in yourself through this process.

We have so many sources, right?

We have doctors and clinics and OBs and fertility gurus

and books and people on Instagram and friends

and family and me and everyone else

telling you what to do on your journey.

And what I really want to help you to do

is to remember that you have innate wisdom within you.

I think it's really easy to become disconnected from that,

to forget that that exists, to honestly just almost put that in the back burner and not

focus on it, not listen to it, not hear it out, and not trust it.

And so my main goal for you this year is to build trust in yourself in this process.

That if you have an inkling of what the next step is, if you have an inkling of you need

to take a break, if you have an inkling of something that you need to or want to try

or consider, then there's a reason.

And we're gonna look into that

and we're gonna fall through into that

because you're worth it

and you trust yourself in this process.

My next goal for you is to reconnect to your body.

This is so important.

It is one of the largest things that I work on

with my women when we're coaching together

with my clients is refinding connection, love, support,

even just kindness, compassion for our body.

Because it can be so easy in this process

of going through infertility or pregnancy loss

to become disgusted with, to become frustrated with,

to become angry at, disenfranchised by our body, right?

And it almost starts to put us against each other, right?

Me against my body.

Why won't my body work?

Why won't my body do what it's supposed to do?

Why doesn't my body function like everyone else's body?

All of these types of comments, they come out of that.

And so through our time together,

One of my goals is for you to reconnect to your body,

to realize that your body does so much for you.

It has the capability to support you in so many ways.

And it is one of the most important things

that we have going on is our body, right?

We're connected to it, we can't escape it.

And so really coming back to who you are within your body

and being connected to your body

is going to be helpful in so many ways.

One of the biggest ones is in your ability

to weather this storm,

in your ability to really have the ability

to take care of yourself through this journey,

through the highs, through the lows,

that comes from being connected to your body.

And I know that that sounds weird,

or sounds a little bit woo-woo.

I get it because I thought the same way,

but truthfully, this is so important

to have connection with our body

because that is how we know what the heck is going on

inside our body, what our emotions are doing,

how we're doing, how to take care of ourselves

is through that connection.

So that's my second goal for you,

is to reconnect to your body.

Next, my third goal for you is to actually work on your connection with your partner.

So I have a handful of people that are listening here that don't have a partner and if that's

you, that's totally fine.

But for those of you that are going through this journey, which is the majority of you

with a partner, infertility, pregnancy loss, inevitably is tough on a relationship.

It can absolutely bring you closer together, but it can absolutely tear you apart as well.

And so one of my goals and things that we will talk about this year is how to protect

this relationship that you entered into, right?

We entered into this loving relationship for a reason.

We wanted to bring a child into this world for a reason.

And that was because we trusted and loved this partner that we are with, that we wanted

to do life with. And so if there are parts of this journey that are impacting your relationship

with your partner, I'm here to help you reconnect those things, fix those issues, revamp those

issues, so to say, to really just help you along this process. So that is definitely

one of my goals is to help you find more loving, compassionate connection with your partner

along this journey.

So for goal number four, what I want is for you to build belief in the possibility that

this journey is going to work out for you.

Build belief that it's capable for this to actually end with good news.

Build belief that everything that you've gone through, everything that you're going through

is worth it.

Belief in possibility.

And so that's what I hope honestly to instill in you this month is a reconnection to having

belief and possibility and why possibility is so important and how to hold on to that

throughout your journey, but especially in the times where things are hard. Because there's no point

in going about this journey and taking next steps if you don't believe in the possibility.

And so we will talk more about that, but that is definitely one of my top goals.

Goal number five, I touched on here a little bit.

And that is that I want to help you build belief

in your ability to have your own back.

Right, life does not hand us 100% positive news

all the time.

We all know that there is going to be struggles

along the way, disappointment along the way,

pain, grief, hard moments along the way.

And I want you to trust in your ability

to take care of yourself through those painful moments.

No more of this.

I cannot try again,

'cause I can't put myself through the risk of a loss

or a painful experience or a negative test.

Our goal here is to help you trust

that even if it was bad news,

you would be able to be on the other side of that bad news.

And so that is what I'm hoping

is that we build that trust in yourself

to have your own back, to take care of yourself,

to support yourself when things get rough,

to support yourself when things get hard.

And then lastly, goal number six

is that I strive and hope for all of you

to connect back to who you are outside of trying to conceive,

that you are more than your infertility

or your pregnancy loss history.

You are a whole person.

You have passions and hobbies and joys and careers

and loves and friendships.

And I want you to remember that part of your identity

and live out that part of your identity

without holding onto it because it's all on pause

because of this journey.

So reconnecting to who you are, what is that identity?

Who, what matters to you, what's important to you?

All of that is part of who you are

and it would be such a shame to go through years,

potentially of a journey of trying to conceive

and put all of that to the back burner.

So my goal for you, this last goal,

is to reconnect to who are you,

what matters to you, what's important to you,

and really just knowing what your identity is in the world.

These are my six goals.

I hope, hope, hope that you'll stick around this year.

And as we talk through these podcast episodes,

you will learn to achieve each and every single one of these goals.

This month, as I said,

we're going to kick off talking about possibility, belief in the process,

belief in yourself. And I am ready to help you on your journey.

As you know, I share here on the podcast, I share on social media,

but I also work with women one-on-one to help them achieve these exact goals in

their individual lives and I would be honored to help you.

So make sure to go into the show notes, click apply,

and we can schedule a free call to talk about

what coaching together and doing mindset coaching

would look like and get you started on a whole new version

of a trying to conceive journey in 2024.

I hope you all have a great week.

Stick around, come back next week,

and we will get started talking about possibility.

Hey there, inspired mama.

If you enjoyed this show,

I want to invite you to leave a review

in your podcast player.

This helps to share the message

with so many more women just like you.

Also, if you know of another hopeful mama

on her path to motherhood,

please share this episode with her.

I would love to get this into the ears of anyone

who needs to hear it.

If you are ready to step this work up

and not only learn these tools, but to apply them

to your unique story,

head to the link in the show notes

to apply for a free consult call.

I would be honored to help you.


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